Where to start? I was born to Lady Talianna and Lord Eltan Theldrakar, the fifth son of the Lords of the Great House Theldrakar, and as such, was destined to inherit nothing at all, zilch, nada.
Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t a bad deal in any way, since I was an infant, I enjoyed the luxuries of the noble life: the best education, good food, magical healthcare, toys and clothing from beyond the horizon… Not that I didn’t do good, I was friends with all of the workers and their kids, and shared my food, toys, and old clothes with them, all behind mother’s back with my gran’s help, after all I had much more than I would ever need. Well, I mean, I was a little spoiled, sure, but come on, how many youngest of the pack aren’t pampered by their mothers and grandmothers? I was actually kind of tame if you look at my siblings.
I guess I got to talk about them now… Well, the oldest is “Little” Eltan, the heir to the House, the perfect cavalier and a fortress of a person, a gentleman now and perfect candidate to run the House once father dies, but back then he was spoiled little brat as gran used to tell me.
After him comes Talianna and Ethried, the twins, studious and competitive the both of them, Talianna ended up taking the clerical studies against father’s wishes, while Ethried has become my father’s Court Wizard, both have claims on distant lands currently controlled by other nobles. Both are just waiting for “Little” Eltan’s ascension to go to them.
After the twins comes Warren, my favorite brother, he was kind of a clown to me, but was serious to everybody else, and when he came of age, he would be our House’s representative in the Capital, under our uncle, and eventually replacing him.
My siblings are much older than me mind you, my gran usually called me the happy little surprise, much to the spite of mother. Gods do I miss my gran.
As a fifth son I was expected to seek my own fortune, as there was no inheritance left for me, but back then? I could care less. I was expected to choose between either becoming a knight, a scholar or a priest, as most of the well-respected of the fifth sons became those to honor their Houses. Not me, of course, I ran away.
Oh, when was it? Got to be when I was 14 that that traveling theatre troupe came to the castle and presented play after play for 10 nights straight. Obviously, I watched them all, and was enthralled by it. The one person was at the same night 10 other people, and the other 10 were a hundred more, it was like magic, and the stories were superb. Or at least I remember them being exceptionally good, as this happened almost 10 years ago, anyway, they were showing grand tales of high adventure and fellowship, it was so magical to me that I just couldn’t control myself. I decided to join them.
After a quick talk with the ringleader, he was pleasantly agreeable about me joining, probably not realizing who I was at first. So I organized my things in a bag and almost made it through to the gates of castle Drakan. There my gran was waiting with a grin, she wasn’t there to stop me though, crazy old lady, bless her soul, she had a pack of clothing and food for the trip and sent me off with that lovely smile she always had.
I spent about 10 years with the troupe, the best 10 years of my life yet. It was hard, having to learn to take care of myself, and the places we stayed weren’t exactly luxurious, but I was happier there than in the castle. I had to learn how to deal with the common folk, with shady people, and with the dirt. Oh gods, the dirt. Ringleader Corvis was a friendly aarakocra that took me in and taught me drama and acting. He was amazing, and a better father figure than father ever was.
Was… Such an unfortunate word to have to use. Father discovered where I was. He was bound to, he takes House honor above his own health sometimes, and to have the shame of his son working with “vagabonds” as he worded, he wouldn’t accept it. It was terrible. There was fire, smoke, and blood, they killed the troupe, my family had killed my family. And they took me, forcefully, back to castle Drakan, where I found out why It took so long for father to find me, mother and gran were covering for me for years, but they had fallen to a mysterious plague.
Father was also not looking good, he was pale and gaunt. I didn’t like what I felt. At the same time he was the man that ordered the slaughter of my friends and new family, but at the same time, I could see insanity, the crazy look that comes with the fear of death in his eyes, I felt no anger, I felt pity, and when I looked to his right, “Little” Eltan and I crossed eyes, I saw his anger towards me and I understood. Father was dying and they think it’s my fault.
Rain. Somehow, it’s always raining in these occasions. The entire House joined on father’s burial. I… Was getting unpleasant looks to say the least. I could not understand, and still can’t honestly, why did everyone think I was the reason gran, mother and father died. Thankfully, everyone stayed civil, or at least civil enough.
Eltan the Second was now the Lord of House Theldrakar. The ascension ceremony was dry and short, I suppose it was because of my presence. I could hear the twins saying they feared turmoil within the nobles of the land too, because of the young age of the new Lord, but I couldn’t worry about that at that moment, because just a few hours after the ascension, I was summoned by my brother, the Lord. I went in a hurry of course.
When I arrived at the great hall of castle Drakan I saw only my siblings, and my brother sitting on father’s chair, his chair from that day onwards. They had very somber looks on their faces. The silence was deafening, not even the rain dared make a sound. Lord Eltan then spoke.
”Brother, I know you must be confused; I cannot say why, I can only hope you understand eventually. You probably realized, me and our siblings have been discussing it, the other nobles are at the brink of rebellion, and we believe that only your death may satisfy their bloodthirst.”
I gasped. I had no idea what was happening. What happened to my family while I was away? Lord Eltan continued speaking.
”I have no wishes to kill you brother. But I must care for the people of House Theldrakar, I cannot allow for a rebellion, no matter the cost. So I can only offer one thing: Exile. Go away. Go away from these lands and never return. You will never be able to return to the lands of House Theldrakar. If somebody sees you here you will be hunted.If you understand, then I, Lord Eltan Theldrakar II hereby banish you, Alric Theldrakar, from these lands, forever.”
I had no choice. My sisters offered me their magical blessings, my brother and Lord, his horse and old leather armor, and Warren, his pouch of gold pieces. From that night on I was homeless. Houseless. I was officially on the run. I donned Eltan’s old armor from when he was younger, still emblazoned with the Theldrakar coat of arms, went in the armory, took a few things to defend myself in the road, then took his horse, and galloped away during the night.
The rain wasn’t letting off, and I’m not exactly a good rider. To make it easier it was dark as the nine hells. I rode on the road for a few hours, until what was bound to happen, happened. The horse tripped on a curved ravine causing us both to fall down several feet into the abyss, the poor thing probably broke his leg by the way he screamed, not that I was much better, my face was cut really bad, but at least I could feel my arms and legs still whole. Anyways, in hindsight I wish I could know for sure, but I opted to sacrifice the beast then and there, to end its suffering.
I unsheathed one of the daggers I took from the armory and thrusted it into the body of the beast. The screams did not stop. It was grisly, I had to stab the poor thing again and again, until it ceased moving and making sounds. It was then that IT happened. The rumble. Coming from the wall of stone beside me, a cave mouth seemingly opened from the dirt. So, now that I’m putting it into words, I’m certain that I wasn’t right of mind, but I entered the cave. Then came the voice.
And then… To be honest I can’t remember.
My first memory after that is waking up in a strange golden room, a Bizarre book next to me, READ ME it said.
It told me my pact with HIM gave me magical powers, all I had was to bring them out, It also told me that it was only the beginning, that this book was the key for great things, and that WE would grow a lot together. It also said that HE would collect later.
What was any of that about? I have no idea. But knowledge foreign to my head poured in the moment I opened and read the TOME. That was very strange to say the least. I got up from this strange bed I was in I looked fancy at a mirror, and realized that I had changed quite a bit, my skin had become even more paler, my hair had turned from the typical brown to completely greyed out, as in prematurely aged, and my irises changed from light brown to an unnatural yellow. My open gash that I had from the night before was now a scar crossing my entire face.
Once I recovered from at least a bit from the shock, I realized this strange room I was in, had no windows or even doors. But I wanted out. And out I was. What. Suddenly I was outside, with a golden oil lamp in my left hand, and the TOME on my right. Somehow, I knew, that I was inside the oil lamp, and whatever magic happened was because of this freaky book.
Looking around I recognized nothing, at the same time a good and a bad thing. For one, I certainly was not in House Theldrakar lands anymore, but I had no idea where I was. Luckily, or perhaps on purpose, there was a village just nearby, less than a day’s trip. After an uneventful walk, I arrived at what turned out to be Millstone, a village I had never heard of, and when I talked to a guard about the castle Drakan, the only one that even knew where it was, told me that it was a trip of more than three months in a caravan to reach.
I don’t know how, or why, but here I’m safe. Now It’s time to make a new life for me I suppose?
Time to test these new “powers” then. Well, I did hear one of the guards mention an adventuring guild. It surely beats being a farmer, and I bet it pays better. Sure, why not, let’s find this adventuring guild.